Gabrielle M. Taylor
Submit Reservation – Two/Three Bedroom
To submit a request for a reservation, please complete the form below (all fields are required). Please note that you are submitting a request only. Submitting a request does not guarantee that a confirmation will be obtained for your desired dates.
You cannot make reservations beyond Friday, March 31, 2023 .
Members are given the opportunity to reserve 21 days of “Planned Vacations” each Club Year.
Planned Vacations can be a maximum 14 consecutive days in length.
Cancellation: In the event a Member wishes to cancel a Planned Vacation reservation, that request for cancellation must be received by Club Management, in writing, at least 14 days prior to the scheduled arrival, in order for the Member to retain the usage rights associated with the cancelled Planned Vacation days.
If the written cancellation notice is not received by Club Management at least 14 days prior to the scheduled arrival (“Failed Reservation”‘), all of the Planned Vacation days not properly cancelled will be forfeited by Member.
Each Member can reserve Short Notice Vacations anytime within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled arrival date for that reservation.
Short Notice Vacations can be a maximum 7 days in length per reservation.
Each Member can have only one Short Notice Vacation reservation on the books at a time. This means that once the reservation is checked in, this will be considered as used and a new request can be submitted
Cancellation: If a Member or Unaccompanied Guest fails to check-in at Club Tornabuoni on the reserved date without notice to Club Management at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled check-in (“Failed Reservation”), the Member will be prohibited from making another Short Notice reservation for a period of 30 days from the scheduled check-out date of the Failed Reservation.
Each Member can have only one Space Available Vacation reservation on the books at a time. This means that once the reservation is checked in, this will be considered April 2022 as used and a new request can be submitted.
Space Available Vacations can be a maximum 7 days in length per reservation.
Cancellation: If a Member or Unaccompanied Guest fails to check-in at the Club on the reserved date without notice to Club Management at least 48 hours prior to scheduled 04 05 06 07 08 09 check-in (“Failed Reservation”), the Member will be prohibited from making another Space Available reservation for a period of 30 days from the scheduled check-out date of the Failed Reservation.